Welcome to the mySmartGrid Developer Wiki! Please use this wiki to document features, share how-tos, and brainstorm additional development tasks. If you develop code on your own, we suggest that you use github for version control. Please put a link to all external repositories into this wiki.
If you want to contact the developers, please use the mySmartGrid development mailing list: msg-dev@listserv.mysmartgrid.de
Another way to contact the team is using IRC - we have a channel #mysmartgrid on freenode.
The next elektro:camp(«2014.04») will be in Leuven. Please see EC1404-Coordination for more information.
Our standards-based, open-source home automation system is now (almost) available. Each device has an unique IPv6 address and provides excellent interfaces for hacking (both hardware and software). Learn more on the HexaBus page.
We list the items we are currently working on here: FeatureArrivals
The new features deployment procedure is described here: DeploymentProcedure
Lessons we learned during the deployment of devices: LessonsDeployment
Monitoring our infrastructure: Monitoring
Almost all code in the project is released under an open-source license. Please add pointers to your repositories here.
Prototype of a bus system: Project Octobus
Flukso USB development board: FluksoUSBBoard
Generic Meter and Time Series Data Format: MeterTimeSeriesDataFormat
Building a Flukso using Flukso USB and an OpenWRT router CustomFlukso
Reading smart meter data via the optical interface: Optoreader (currently only documented in german)
Running long-running jobs within the infrastructure: JobQueue
Enable WLAN SSH Access: FluksoSSH
Updating the Flukso software (Flukso v1): FluksoUpdate
Updating the Flukso software (Flukso v2): Fluksov2Update
Aktualisieren der Flukso-Software (Flukso v2, DE): Fluksov2Aktualisierung
Flukso behind a firewall: FirewallSettings
Hexabus on the Flukso: HexaDaemon
New Setup (draft): FluksoSetup
Please note: The Chumby comes with an operating system built-in that needs to be registered with Chumby.com before allowing Flash-based code to be executed. Whenever Chumby.com is down, as a side effect, the Chumby won't normally boot with the operating system delivered by the manufacturer. Please consider using the new image including the Qt-based code.
Setup procedure and download of latest Chumby image: ChumbyQtControlpanel
Einrichtung und Herunterladen des neuesten Chumby-Images: ChumbyQtControlpanel-DE
How to install Qt on the Chumby: ChumbyQt
Please note: Whenever the domain Chumby.com is down, as a side effect, the Chumby won't normally boot with the operating system delivered by the manufacturer.
How to install the software image on the Chumby: ChumbySoftware
How to create a software image for /mnt/storage: ChumbyImageHowto
Download Flash-based Chumby images: ChumbyImageDownload
Video of code running on Chumby: momentanverbrauch.avi
Alternative ways of using Chumby for monitoring energy: ChumbyCurrentCostHowto
Mobile devices need a generic mechanism for exchanging configuration information. We need to develop a webservice that allows us to exchange this information securely and easily. One way would be:
How to use a Volkszaehler setup for logging to both Volkszaehler and mySmartGrid servers.
How it basically works: http://wiki.volkszaehler.org/
Setup: http://wiki.volkszaehler.org/setup
Vzlogger Ubuntu packages: http://packages.mysmartgrid.de/ubuntu/
Vzlogger to mySmartGrid Howto: VzloggerHowto
The web service interface is described here: Web Service Interface 2.1.
The local data interface of the flukos is described here: Local Interface
How we want to use terms like power, energy,… Terms