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elektro:camp(<<2010>>). - CampCoordination

Save the date: Oct. 29th+30th, Kaiserslautern, Germany. Here's the flyer, please feel free to circulate: Flyer-ElektroCamp.


The Camp will be a place for people working on Open-Source Smart Grid technologies. Our goal is to host a barcamp for people to meet, share ideas and collaborate. The conference itself will be a free event, sponsored by the Fraunhofer ITWM. The conference is a BarCamp - (almost) all content will be organized in an ad-hoc fashion.

The scope is restricted to topics related to Smart Grids (“Intelligente Stromnetze”), including (but not limited to)

  • Smart Metering
  • Demand-Side Management
  • Home Automation
  • Home Displays
  • … and many more.

If you're unsure whether a topic is relevant to Smart Grid technologies, please don't hesitate and write an eMail to dalheimer.Ä


You're attending? Great! Please leave me (Mathias) a note what was good/bad, and how I can do things better next time: EC10Feedback


In order to help us organize things, please let us know that you want to come. Please do so as early as possible, because we need to organize things in advance. Just sign up on this page: EC10Signup


A list of pending things to do for the event: EC10ToDo

Getting to Kaiserslautern

The barcamp is hosted by the Fraunhofer ITWM: Google Maps OpenStreetMap

You can follow the directions here:


The event will start on Friday, Oct. 29th, around 18:30. We will have a short introduction and initial sessions. On Saturday, Oct. 30th, we will use the whole day for sessions.

UPDATE: The schedule is now here: CampSchedule2010.


Please use the twitter tag #ec10. You can also use this wiki to create session transscripts or drafts or $whatever, please create a page with the “EC10” prefix (i.e. “EC10Octobus”) and link it here:

* Octobus Session documentation

campcoordination.txt · Last modified: 2012/10/30 10:27 (external edit)