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German Version

Please find the German version of this document here: chumbyqtcontrolpanel-de.

Bitte klicken Sie hier für die deutsche Version dieses Dokuments: chumbyqtcontrolpanel-de.


You can find a “ready to use” image for an usb stick here(zip) or here(tar.gz).

USB-Stick preperations

Unpack the image on an USB-Stick (min. 100 MB) and edit flukso.conf to represent your own flukso.

Configuration file format:


ip: IP-Address of the flukso
port: 80 for flukso v1, 8080 for flukso v2
sensor1: sensor-id of the first sensor
sensor2: sensor-id of the second sensor
sensor3: sensor-id of the third sensor
sen1ena: 1 = plot sensor 1, 0 = don't plot sensor 1
sen2ena: 1 = plot sensor 2, 0 = don't plot sensor 2
sen2ena: 1 = plot sensor 3, 0 = don't plot sensor 3

Running the code

To run the code simply plug your prepared USB-Stick to your chumby and restart the device.

The Chumby will now install the newest version of the chumby software. Please do not turn off the device during this procedure.

The device will restart during the update. This is normal and intended.

After the installation of the new software the touchscreen calibration will start. Follow the instructions on the screen to calibrate your touchscreen.

After calibration the Qt controlpanel starts. You are ready to go.

I'm not happy and want the old interface back

This software is not installed on your Chumby permanently. If you want the original interface back just remove the USB-Stick and restart your Chumby.

I have a problem or the software is misbehaving

You can either join the IRC-Channel #mysmartgrid on freenode or send a bugreport to



  • Radioplugin working now
  • Volume range modified


  • Radioplugin supports up to 6 presets now.
  • RDS support added
  • Fluksometer plugin fixed


  • Alarm clock added
chumbyqtcontrolpanel.txt · Last modified: 2012/11/12 11:24 by schappert