Please, sign up for the next Elektro:Camp, by adding your name and an e-mail address in the list below.
If you're NOT able to edit this page, please send your info to and I will add your signup to this page!
We each pay for our own costs.
Single room including dinner, breakfast, lunch €57,- p.p.
Stay in two persons room including dinner, breakfast, lunch €49,50 p.p.
Stay in a four persons room including dinner, breakfast, lunch €42,- p.p.
(Prices excluding tourists tax of €1,60 per night)
If you want to stay an extra night from Saturday on Sunday, it will cost €19.50 p.p. with breakfast (independent on the type of room).
Please include the type of room (single, two person or four person) and include if you want to stay an extra night